AOISA develops series of events every year to gather students and professional of all ages to work on specific topics. Our events are characterized for the creative show of activities, workshops, games and an inclusive cultural participation of the people in dance, music and theater depending on the nature of every event.
In the Philippines and in Japan we have succeded with a series of events during the last three years. The following are some events that AOISA developed with students and professionals in these countries.
Russia, News:
Bienvenidos a Plan V! (Plan Vida). Muy pocos nos enseñan a enfrentar esos pequeños problemas que sugen en nuestra vida cotidiana, la acumulación de estos problemas crea barreras invencibles que destruyen nuestra vida, nuestra esperanza y hasta nuestra motivación para vivir. Aprenderemos a derribar estas barreras y a escoger vivir de nuevo y de verdad! Plan V es un taller de cuatro sesiones que abarcan:
- Mi vida tiene 25 Horas
- Cómo tomar decisiones correctas
- Estoy en Bancarrota
- Vida privada vs. Vida pública
Welcome to PLAN L! (Plan Life). Nobody teaches us to face those little problems that come out in our daily life, and the accumulation of these problems build invincible barriers that destroy our life, our hope and even our motivation to live.
We will learn to tear down these barriers and to choose true life again! Plan L is a workshop that tackles 4 sessios:
- My Day has 24 hours
- how to make the right decisions
- I am broke
- Private life vs. Public life
1st Cicle of Workshops!
Primer Ciclo de talleres en Moscu! si estudias en la Universidad de la Amistad de los pueblos comunicate con la federación de estudiantes latinoamericanos para mas información. O Manda un e-mail a:
First Cicle of workshops in Moscow! if you study at the "Universidad de la Amistad de los Pueblos" get in touch with the Latinoamerican Student Federation for further information. Or send an e-mail to:
An unforgettable night on December 10 in the University of the Philippines (UP Diliman), we had an event that got it all! from live music, lights, huge decorations, theater play, Christmas carols, upto reconciliation with your family and your loved ones! Night of Peace for the Philippines was the event that brought back the true essence of Christmas which is not shopping or receiving presents but far way more than that. We entered the Christmas season through the red carpet.
The event was done in other countries as well, Japan (tap on our link to the Japanese version of this blog in "home") as well as China. In the Philippines was made also and for the first time in the University of Manila on December 5.
Talking about reconciliation with the members of our family is already an event by itself, and it is wonderful when circumstances propitiate this so called "unity" within the family. In the trips that AOISA Asia has had the opportunity to take, there is one common thing we have found: Family is the priority. Students miss their parents, professionals work for the betterment of their families, society is built around the idea of a strong and successful family life. However, chances are that is very hard to obtain that level of strength and unity.
As a solution and proposal for the peace of the families nowadays, AOISA has designed a very important Family event called: HUGGING HEARTS. It is in fact, one of the official events that we do every every year. 2012's version of this great event is entitled: "WHAT YOU LEARN AT HOME STICKS TO YOU FOREVER" and we do believe so. The event for this year will be launched on Saturday June 2 at AOISA House.
About the topic:
People will always end up doing, repeating, enjoying and some times suffering the blessings or the burdens learned in their families. That is why, we wont have a party with music and food only, but we will indeed provide a real solution to improve the family life of every member of AOISA and every attendee on the day of the event.
What is this solution all about?
1. A complete campaign inside every member's family (with awareness topics and family gatherings) every week during May.
2. A Mural wherein the members of AOISA will publish their family pictures to create sense of identity and pride of who they are and where they come from.
3. The sense of leadership of every member as they are trained to be the peace-makers and the Agents of Change in their families.
We invite you all to join this family-changing event!
Here is the publicity and information of Hugging Hearts 2012. Enjoy!
Night of Peace for the Philippines:
AOISA's greatest event of the year! Night of peace for the Philippines frames cultural presentations such as musical, Christmas carols, dance, music and more! here is our promotion for the University of the East in Manila, Philippines. Hundreds of students with their families come and get together to celebrate the greatest Christmas event of the year!
Day of Peace for Japan
This is our version of "Day of peace for Japan". A timely event for a land that suffered natural catastrophe in this year (2011). The event targets the unity and reconciliation in every family of this asian country and in this way, It brings into reality the very root and escence of Christmas.
Finding My Soulmate:
This is an event to develop topics such as "Emotional Loneliness", "Dependance", "Relationships", "search for sense and destiny in life", etc. and Here are the pictures for 2010 version of the event.
This is the version of this event on 2012:
February 17th launched the first of many events on 2012: "Young People Looking For... WHO WILL I MARRY?" The program of this 4 weeks-campaign was designed to change our view of emotional relationships forever.
It was offered to you two basic stages of the event. The First one consisted in 4 short sessions starting January 16, in many places in Metro Manila such as UP Diliman, Ateneo de Manila University, Ortigas Company Complex, University of Makati and more, and here are the topics:
The Campaign ended with a perfect San Valentine's party at AOISA House wherein all participants enjoyed an amazing time full of music, dance, video presentations an the most important thing, the answer to the question: "who will I marry?"

How to get a Successful family life:
Conference about how to assume the role of every member in the family and how this contributes for the betterment and restoration and unity in a family.
Young people looking for THE SOCIAL NETWORK:
An event that lasted 4 weeks with workshops, cell groups and a final concert to develop topics of dependance of virtual relationships and virtual profiles. On this event, people learned how valuable they are without the necessity of a virtual profile and how addictive Internet can become.
Pictures of this event In Japan (Tokyo and Gunma)
Hugging Hearts
Another family event in which every attendee has a reencounter with his family through games and competitions that strengthens the family bonds.

Hugging Hearts in Japan
Beauty Unveiled
This has been an event we develop in every country we are, it basically develops series of workshops and exhibits about True Beauty and all its implications (not only physical beauty). We give tips on how to improve every person's beauty and we had a finale with music and videos presentations.
Say Yes to Sexual Liberty
Event and awareness campaign to show the people the consecuences of sexual liberty in youth. The Statement of the campaign was "THERE IS NO CONDOM FOR THE SOUL" showing that the consecuences of sexual liberty are not only physical but also emotional.
This is our traditional event only for freshmen to unravel many clues that they need to know in order to become successful students. We have workshops and interesting surveys to help them realize how important is to start their college life with a plan in mind.
EPFL is a series of conferences, talks and workshops addressed to entities like Universitites or Companies with professionals. The topics within this project that we have developed in The Philippines and in Japan are: "Strees Management", "Maximize your Potential", "Effective Leadership" and "Private life vs. Public life"Stress Management in Japan
Seminar: "Integral Management for Entrepreneurs"